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To Be Like Watercat05

Lao Zu, an ancient Chinese philosopher once stated thus: "the greatest good is to be like water." This saying I have found most helpful in everyday life…

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If the Light of who you are is not in everyday mind, then you won't find it anywhere else because from the beginning, not a thing is.cat04

So what is this everyday mind? It is in the sound of a coffee machine and ringing cell phone. It is in the warmth of your chest and the tingling in your elbows. It is the computer screen and the people around you. It is the angel and the devil that talk in your head. It is the irritation in your gut and the urge to take a breath. It is in the air you breathe and the chair you sit on. It is the formless container from which…

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A Peaceful Mind

Some emotional thoughts cause stress, pain, or tangling of energy. If you focus on the pain, it will tend to cause more pain. Have a peaceful mind, and the nature balance will return. With a calm mind, it is easy to let…

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Light of Innate Naturecat03

The Light of Innate Nature, rarely recognized in life, Pervades all the corners of the Ocean and the edges of Heaven; It has fallen to the fetters of scattered phenomena, Have compassion for the unconsciously imprisoned.      

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Pure Mindcat02

Student: What is Enlightenment? Master: Enlightenment is a status of your mind. What kind of status is it? Enlightenment is the purity and…

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