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The Better The Mind Is, The Better The Phenomena Will Be

We tend to think, "I make decisions based on my concepts and intentions." This is not true. The decisions are already present in your mind as concepts and beliefs. Unless the basis of your decision in your mind…

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Hunger and satisfactioncat01

I read the wisdom of the week of this week  "Just as intellectual discussion about food cannot satisfy hunger, wisdom cannot come from outside oneself."  Hunger has been the driven factor for human being for a long time, and the basic level of surviving nutrition has been…

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Right Understanding

Nothing beyond your mind. With the right understanding and introspection, you can determine whether your thoughts and emotions are harmful. You will realize whether your approach has been in error. When the right understanding prevails throughout your life, you will gradually move toward a state of peace. And you will experience lasting happiness and joy. ¶ by Zen Master Miao Tsan

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Going Around In Circles Forevercat05

  Does it sometimes feel as if you are just caught up in the same routine, endlessly repeating the same mundane actions over and over? Seeing the same sights? Doing the same things? Eating the same foods? Surrounded by the same…

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Six Senses

The six senses are the karma of our human existence. The perceptions they generate are directed by our attachments; therefore, we separate our physical body and six senses from the totality of reality. Once you…

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