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Confused by Reasoncat04

There is a not so fine line between rational thinking and rationalization. Today you find few truly rational people who apply the power of reason and logic to seek the right course of action in life. Instead, most people abuse the gift of reason to justify their unconscious desire. Those who abuse reason almost always see themselves as rational, having little doubt in the validity of their conclusions - which is actually…

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Better Reality

  Each of us wants a better reality, so we must handle every situation with calmness of mind. Emotion is only for those who can neither accept their reality nor…

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Projection Makes Perceptioncat04

The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference-the dominant ideas, wishes and emotions in our minds. "Projection makes perception". We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it. ¶ A Course in Miracles ¶   How can we practice this? Always challenge our perception and remember, "It does not have…

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You are not alone½cat02

Able to Learn Zen is a blessing. Start to Apply Zen's teaching in daily life is double of   the blessing.  The teaching seems so direct and simple. But yet to be able…

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When we are encountering troubles in life, it means that we misuse the ability of our mind. We should correct this and we should do introspection.  Ask ourselves how, why, when, and where I manifest the karma…

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