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Do you sleep well?cat04

Have you noticed how a child live? She plays hard, cries out loud, enjoys each and every moment without hang ups and inhibitions. She never holds grudge against your moods and attachments, and she lets bygones be bygones. She has no judgments or label on people or things. She is at peace within herself. And when the day is done, we say good night, she sleeps deep and sweet. Are you at peace? Can you hold your emotions in…

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Wisdom Within You

Just as intellectual discussion about food cannot satisfy hunger, wisdom cannot come from outside oneself. When we blame someone or something for a problem, we are trying to separate ourselves from our karma.…

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Let sky be the sky Let water be the water Let body be the body Let thought be the thought Let heat be the heat Let cold be the cold What's left? Nothing but the awareness…

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Pure Mind

If you focus your cultivation on the mind, you can eventually find peace. A peaceful mind will bring forth a better reality. If you have peace, you will know how to make better decisions. You will enjoy better…

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How to Uplift Yourselfcat02

Use the mind in positive ways. Constantly improve its expression. The past is already the past. The past “you” was a creation of the mind. The past “you” is gone. The present “you” is the expression of the mind solely for this moment. Each moment is a separate phenomenon. The Zen patriarchs said, “If you are lost in the previous thought, you are a sentient being; but if in the next moment you awaken to your…

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