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Six Senses

The six senses are the karma of our human existence. The perceptions they generate are directed by our attachments; therefore, we separate our physical body and six senses from the totality of reality. Once you…

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How To Make Our Life Better?cat02

Student: How to make our life better? Master: To make life better, the fastest way is to purify your mind.…

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How Does the Pain Come Fromcat02

I am occasionally asked about the nature of pain. Pain does not only occur when you are miserable, it can happen when you feel happy and energetic. Actually, the question about pain has…

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You are the Buddha!cat04

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="387" caption="Anacapa - Channel Island National Park"][/caption] Master Ling Shun visits Master Gue-Zhun and ask him: "What is the Buddha?" "If I tell you, would you believe it?" "How can I not trust master's words?" "You are the Buddha!" "How can I maintain this?" "Once…

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To the True Selfcat03

No trespassing, This place cannot be known to man; No recognition of appearances, Do not complain for the lack of courtesy. Here is the Joyful Dwelling of the True Self.      

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