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Wild Horses on My Mat

From Dandasana, Staff Pose, I bring the sole of my right foot to the floor on the outside of the left thigh. The muscles in my hip call to me tentatively, asking if they can trust and relax or if they need to clench in fear of what I might ask them to do next. I bend my left knee, tucking my left foot near my right buttock. Breathing in, I bring my left arm up near my left ear. My hips are quieter now; I have given…

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"I" and Discriminationcat02

    The notion of "I" is a form of discrimination. We try to understand the world and ourselves through our discrimination. Because of the ego, our opinions, comparisons…

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The Mind As Iscat03

Phenomena is neither attractive nor repulsive, Attractiveness and repulsiveness both arise from the mind, Without forcing a label on the truth, From where would delusion come? Free of delusion, The True Mind's awareness is all pervasive,…

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Karma and Me?!cat02

Student: What does karma got to do with our life? Master: We have a saying, "Every carrot has its own hole." The hole…

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Emptiness speaks, resounding far and widecat03

Emptiness speaks, resounding far and wide, Traceless and unseen, manifesting myriad existences; Maitreya's arising like a rootless tree, Lotus step each leading the way to Realization.    

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