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Summer begins, soft and colorful, Time resembles flowing light, The south wind slowly gathers blossoms in its arms. In the midst of night, flowers…

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Overlapping Onenesscat02

Student: When a person creates phenomenon, people around the person also create phenomenon, right?  Can phenomenon created by other people related to…

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Real Practicecat02

Student: Master, how to apply "nothing beyond the mind" in our daily life? Master: When we see something, we see the function…

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Cover the Eyescat04

One day, a monk noticed that Zen Master Yao-shan was reading the sutra. "Master, you normally don't allow us to read sutra. Why are you reading sutra yourself?" The monk asked. "Oh, I read only to cover my eyes." "So can I do that too?" The monk asked. Master Yao-shan said to the monk: "For you, you must see through cowhides."

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Karma and Me?!cat02

Student: What does karma got to do with our life? Master: We have a saying, "Every carrot has its own hole." The hole…

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