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University of Houston Lecturescat02

Today at the University of Houston, Master Miao Tsan spoke to students in three classes of the Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship about opening a window of wisdom for young minds. Carlos Ortega, Assistant professor and Bill Sherril, Profesor and founder of the…

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Change For The Better

The ancient masters said we should try to abide in impermanence. How is that possible? The answer is to keep creating a better future. Each moment is your creation, so the…

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I can't get no... satisfactioncat04

How about this modified lyric to the Rolling Stone song? I can't get no satisfaction even if I get satisfaction I can't get no true peace of heart 'cuz real peace is beyond satisfaction n' dissatisfaction.

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Student: Why there is no outside? Master: Nothing is beyond the mind. Energy cannot be separated or divided. Phenomena are together…

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True Selfcat02

Your true self is the Mind, which is formless. Your true self exists behind your physical form. It exists behind your personality and ideas. It exists everywhere and can manifest all energy forms.…

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