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Think Againcat02

If you feel uncomfortable with someone in the course of your daily life, check within yourself immediately, because a negative thought pattern is active at that moment. Identify the pattern and then let it go.…

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You Create What You Have

A thought appears and disappears in an instant, as is true of everything. If you think everything is good right now, it is because everything is good at this moment. However, with each new moment you must continue to generate good thoughts. A better life begins…

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Buddha in the Mirrorcat04

"Approximately thirteen hundred years ago, in the Tang Dynasty, a practitioner called Mazu Daoyi meditated each day, trying to attain enlightenment. His teacher, the enlightened Master Nan- Yue Hui- Rang, recognized Mazu's capacity as a dharma vessel and therefore wanted to help him achieve a breakthrough by pointing out instructions.…

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Dewy Grasscat05

An eternity shrouded in darkness, fearless and unmoving Dawn breaks, rays of light cascade…

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