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How Does the Mind Work?cat02

Student: How does the mind work? Master: Every single person possesses a formless mind.  In our formless mind, we have a system or pattern…

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What is Zen?cat02

  Student: Master, What is Zen? Master: Do you know where the wind comes from? If you know that means you are awakened. If you do not know,  try the south…

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Four Reliance: Part I - Rely on the Teaching, not the Personcat04

This morning I had the idea of writing about the Four Reliance, inspired by a friend who recently broke with his spiritual group. I have seen this happened often enough that I wondered what went wrong? I guess the Buddha had foreseen the confusion that future practitioners will be facing and therefore taught the Four Reliance in order to help us all stay on the right path. The Four Reliance are: Rely on the…

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Flexible Mind

The mind frame of a child is not yet mature, so we must nurture it and guide it. In the grand universe, we humans are still children, needing to find our way. We should not cling too tightly to what we believe. The…

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Subconscious Levelcat02

Student:  What is the difference between conscious and subconscious? Master:  Every single moment we have brainwaves. …

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