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You should notice your negative thoughts at the point of origin before they become negative emotions. When the negative emotion develops into an obsession, it will be very difficult for you to turn…

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To solve your problem in life, you must find the cause first. The search of the cause of your problem begins with meditation. Meditation cultivates relative…

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Six Sensescat02

Student: Master, how do the six senses come from? Master: Every single person possesses a mind.  The mind knows everything and manifests…

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Wandering Thoughtscat02

Student:  How do I deal with wandering thoughts during the meditation? Master:  When we are practicing…

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The realm of the knowablecat04

What we really know in each moment is very limited. All we can say for sure at any given moment is that we see a world around us, we feel the sensation of a body, and that there are thoughts floating through our consciousness. This is the extend of what is knowable. To go beyond that is dealing with concepts, not truth.  

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