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Real "I"cat02

Student:  Master, what is the main point of the Heart Sutra? Master: The true meaning of the Heart Sutra is trying to tell us that…

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We Create Our Own Realitycat02

"We have self-attachment which we attach to our perceptions in mind. Whenever we encounter the reality in every single moment, based on our perceptions, we define the reality.  That…

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Merit and the Mindcat02

Student:  Does cleaning Buddha statues create more merit then sweeping the floor? Master: Dharma is everything; everything is dharma. It…

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Motivation is far more powerful than ideas - ideas come and go but motivation is always there, 24/7, yet often hidden from your awareness.cat04

What you think, what you do, and what you say are secondary - yes, they are important, but not as much as the motivation behind them. If you are not aware of that motivation, then you don't know where your thinking and behavior will lead you, and you certainly won't know what you will get. So what really motivates you today?  

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Why you have to let go?cat02

Everything your mind generates appears and disappears simultaneously. Thoughts, feelings and phenomena appear and disappear simultaneously. Consider the sound that occurs as…

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