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Going Around In Circles Forevercat05

  Does it sometimes feel as if you are just caught up in the same routine, endlessly repeating the same mundane actions over and over? Seeing the same sights? Doing the same things? Eating the same foods? Surrounded by the same…

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Looking Forwardcat05

Happy New Year! A new year is like a new chapter in life. It marks a time to reflect and abandon old habits, and start anew. People always seem to have this mentality: "I am looking forward…

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Make Moment Better

You must realize that the mind has the ability to create both positive and negative phenomena. If you create positive thoughts, you will have health and wealth. However, if your mind turns toward negativity, you will face even more obstacles. It is a fact that life works this way, Therefore, guide your mind toward calmness and put an end to negativity.

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Who Creates and Endures Our Suffering?cat04

Wonderful teachings from the Surangama Sutra. In the following passage, the Buddha explained the two fundamental points of spiritual practice. Ananda,.... you should see clearly if the cause ground (used as) a point of departure and its fruit-ground (i.e. realization) are compatible or not. Ananda, if you use your worldly mind as a causal point of departure, you will fail in your search for the…

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Time to Practice!cat04

Master Miao Tsan in his upcoming book The Origin is Pure wrote: Whenever you feel stranded by external environment, in reality you are trapped by your internal thoughts. Do you recognize this truth in your own life? Can you identify the internal thought and let it go? It's time to practice!!  

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