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What is Nirvana?cat02

The present moment is the Nirvana. Phenomena appear and disappear over and over. Ask yourself, what left?If you follow the phenomena, they are chaos. If you do not follow the phenomena, this is the Nirvana. If you follow the phenomena…

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Image After Imagecat03

Move image, image moving, image after image arising, Water waves, waves on water, ripple after ripple born, Empty the mind, the mind of emptiness, Emptiness just is,…

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What Is Real?cat02

Student: What is real? Master: The moment you achieve enlightenment, you will realize it.  Before you achieve enlightenment, nothing is real. …

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The realm of the knowablecat04

What we really know in each moment is very limited. All we can say for sure at any given moment is that we see a world around us, we feel the sensation of a body, and that there are thoughts floating through our consciousness. This is the extend of what is knowable. To go beyond that is dealing with concepts, not truth.  

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Change For The Better

The ancient masters said we should try to abide in impermanence. How is that possible? The answer is to keep creating a better future. Each moment is your creation, so the…

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