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Seeking a Complete, Fulfilling Life?cat02

The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) can guide you to the right path. "To move from this chaos toward freedom, the first thing we have to do is correct how we think and get rid of our attachment to our old, erroneous…

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Real "I"cat02

Student:  Master, what is the main point of the Heart Sutra? Master: The true meaning of the Heart Sutra is trying to tell us that…

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Minding My Mannerscat05

The Mind is both the entry to life as well as the exit for all our problems. So to change our life and resolve out problems, we must start with the Mind--the source of all phenomena--by changing our thoughts.* Recently, I caught myself whining that my children were not using particularly nice table manners.…

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To keep a fresh mindcat04

Zen has the idea of the beginner's mind - a mind that is fresh and alive. Sometimes I wonder how you can practice beginner's mind when meditation is all about focusing on one thing only - it seems a very stagnant way of using the mind. One would at first think to practice beginner's mind is to keep it moving, keep everything "new". But actually the best way is just the opposite; it is only through repetitiveness that we…

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Inner Transformations

Growth is always accompanied by at least a little pain. Reality is often very simple, but our mind tends to complicate it. Focus mainly on inner transformations because they invariably…

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