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How To Manifest A Better Reality

The human mind is always plagued by greed, anger and ignorance. This is because it has not been cleansed of habitual patterns. If your mind is not pure, how can your energy be pure? It cannot! Remember that a pure…

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Purify Your Mind

People tend to assume that spirituality and the mundane life are separate, but this is not so. Spirituality and the mundane are of one mind. We use the same mind whether we engage in spiritual…

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Wild Horses on My Mat

From Dandasana, Staff Pose, I bring the sole of my right foot to the floor on the outside of the left thigh. The muscles in my hip call to me tentatively, asking if they can trust and relax or if they need to clench in fear of what I might ask them to do next. I bend my left knee, tucking my left foot near my right buttock. Breathing in, I bring my left arm up near my left ear. My hips are quieter now; I have given…

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Do you sleep well?cat04

Have you noticed how a child live? She plays hard, cries out loud, enjoys each and every moment without hang ups and inhibitions. She never holds grudge against your moods and attachments, and she lets bygones be bygones. She has no judgments or label on people or things. She is at peace within herself. And when the day is done, we say good night, she sleeps deep and sweet. Are you at peace? Can you hold your emotions in…

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At Peace with Meditationcat01

With modern research techniques, the concept of meditation in the minds of the western world has moved so far beyond the 1970s crunchy stereotype that medical practitioners are wholeheartedly recommending it to their patients, both for wellness and for healing.…

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