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Who Creates and Endures Our Suffering?cat04

Wonderful teachings from the Surangama Sutra. In the following passage, the Buddha explained the two fundamental points of spiritual practice. Ananda,.... you should see clearly if the cause ground (used as) a point of departure and its fruit-ground (i.e. realization) are compatible or not. Ananda, if you use your worldly mind as a causal point of departure, you will fail in your search for the…

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Humans are immersed in illusions. We are delude by our sense of individuality. We believe that we have an identify. Our mind create the whole picture. The physical body is just one aspect. None of us can separate…

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Flexible Mind Leads to Realitycat02

Most of the time, we are occupied by our own judgment. We define the person we see and circumstances we encountered. We live in our own definition. Sad but true. Master Miao Tsan in his new book tells a Koan (story) to let us know why we are who we are and…

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Gifts from the Eastcat05

Open your mind completely to the present  moment. The past is no longer the reality, but the reality is instead this present moment. Only the manifestation…

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The Mind As Iscat03

Phenomena is neither attractive nor repulsive, Attractiveness and repulsiveness both arise from the mind, Without forcing a label on the truth, From where would delusion come? Free of delusion, The True Mind's awareness is all pervasive,…

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