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Slow Down...cat02

Student:  How to get started,  in order to change my habitual thinking patterns? Master: Reconstruct.  The thinking…

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Four Star Daycat05

Encounters with certain people, for example, may tend to trigger confrontational interactions. While we can easily justify our dislike of another person, the real question worth asking is why does this person manifest in our reality in…

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The Night of Autumn

A white egret flies out of autumn reeds across misty water; A swallow returns to its dry nest

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Gate Keepercat04

Every difficult situation always leads you to a single thought that you cannot go beyond. "I can't do this." "There is not enough time." "He is so controlling." "I have to ....." " I can't..... " "I should..... shouldn't......" "It's impossible to ...." "I don't care....." "Why can't he understand?" "People are just lazy.".... Whatever the thought is, it is like a gate keeper. No matter what you try, you will always come…

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True Respectcat04

The true respect is the respect that is really generated due to your respect to the truth of the universe. Once you have the understanding of the universal truth you will understand the respect should be generated sincerely from your heart and should extended to everyone. arrogance…

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