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Movement and Stillnesscat02

Student: What is the difference between a mundane person and a practitioner? Master: When a mundane person moves…

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The realm of the knowablecat04

What we really know in each moment is very limited. All we can say for sure at any given moment is that we see a world around us, we feel the sensation of a body, and that there are thoughts floating through our consciousness. This is the extend of what is knowable. To go beyond that is dealing with concepts, not truth.  

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East Meets West Dialoguecat02

On Monday evening, November 8th, Master Miao Tsan and Pittman McGehee spoke to over 400 attendees at Rice University's Boniuk Center for the Study and Advancement of Religious…

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Are you free?cat04

Stop what you are doing now. Do not find substitute; do not plan to do it later. Don't let anything occupy your mind now. Are you free?

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Nirvana By Nauture

People tend to solve life's problem by solving external issues, but fail to grasp the roots of their problems. These problems are the habits and attachments within the mind. So, remember that the best way to change…

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