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The Key To Learning

As our human minds continuously and unconsciously give rise to mind functioning, certain patterns emerge. These patterns channel our thinking in a particular, fixed direction. Every stressful experience in our lives emerges…

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Amusing Samsaracat03

Turn over the bed in the monk's quarters, Puncture the fantasy, the stars in the eyes; Amusing samsara in his palm, Golden Ox dances away.        

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The Mind

At each moment, your formless mind can generate a thought, which manifests as phenomenon. When you are enlightened, you see the Mind without manifestation. You realize that all phenomena cannot be distinguished…

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Going to Sleep on the Selfcat04

You do something because a thought came to you. It came to you because you saw others do something. Since your thought is a product of another's thought and your action is a product of another's action, where is the real you in this picture? This is how we go to sleep to our true Self. We think and act unconsciously, like tennis balls bouncing off somebody else's racket and wall. The question is this: if you drop all thoughts,…

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When you look at a flower, you may think it is either pretty or ugly, but the flower remains the flower. The reality of the flower is not affected by your perception and judgment. When you close your eyes, the…

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