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How can we let go?cat02

The mind is formless, but we allow it to become occupied by habitual thought patterns. So, how can we let go? I will show you. If I hold an apple in my hand but reach for…

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How to smooth out a tough relationship?cat02

  In life, we all run into situation that is hard to deal with.  Screaming or Pulling our hairs won't do any good.  Should we accept it as is and move on?  Or there is a better…

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Flexible Mind

The mind frame of a child is not yet mature, so we must nurture it and guide it. In the grand universe, we humans are still children, needing to find our way. We should not cling too tightly to what we believe. The…

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If our lives have difficulties in our relationships and other situations, it indicates that we are tied down by habitual thought patterns. So, we must open up a better reality. First, though, we must open our…

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The vast sky touches not the earthcat03

The vast sky touches not the earth, The bright moon illuminates the road Home, Green are the mountains, white are the reeds â€" Thou shall see the Collective for thyself.        

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