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Wisdom of Master: How to Reach the Other Shore?cat02

When we define the truth, we are losing the truth. Put down all the definition. Without any definition,we reach the other shore. In every single moment, the truth is there, but our definition pushes the truth away. It is unnecessary to put any definition. Reality is…

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Make Moment Better

You must realize that the mind has the ability to create both positive and negative phenomena. If you create positive thoughts, you will have health and wealth. However, if your mind turns toward negativity, you will face even more obstacles. It is a fact that life works this way, Therefore, guide your mind toward calmness and put an end to negativity.

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Moon In Watercat02

Student: Master, you say about the moon in the water.  So the mind is the moon or water? Master: The mind is the full moon in the sky. …

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Cause and Effectcat04

Problems do not exist before you think, they appear afterward. If this moment is truly honored as it is - you will see that all is well. The moment you give the tiniest room for thinking, problems will come back. So you say if I don't think about a problem, how can I solve it? Solutions do not come from thinking, in fact, it appears when you naturally respond to a situation as it presents itself. Is thinking useful at all…

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The Light of Innate Nature, rarely recognized in lifecat03

The Light of Innate Nature, rarely recognized in life, Pervades all the corners of the Ocean and the edges of Heaven; It has fallen to the fetters of scattered phenomena, Have compassion for the unconsciously imprisoned.    

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