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Stay Low in the Boatcat05

The Mind is like water that can either give a ship buoyancy or sink it. When we have the ability to generate the thoughts we desire, we are able to bring forth the life we want. When we lack mastery over our mind, we become the victim of our own mind functioning.…

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The Flower Of The Self

  Thousand - foot waterfall flows into the deep pond; High waves hit off the bank and splash onto deities. Behind the water a bird flies back to its nest in a tree; Unencumbered by the four seasons, the flower of the…

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How to Uplift Yourselfcat02

Use the mind in positive ways. Constantly improve its expression. The past is already the past. The past “you” was a creation of the mind. The past “you” is gone. The present “you” is the expression of the mind solely for this moment. Each moment is a separate phenomenon. The Zen patriarchs said, “If you are lost in the previous thought, you are a sentient being; but if in the next moment you awaken to your…

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Let sky be the sky Let water be the water Let body be the body Let thought be the thought Let heat be the heat Let cold be the cold What's left? Nothing but the awareness…

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Judgments are not just negative thoughts; they are all the suffering you go through in life. Your resistance to people and situation is your judgment.

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