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Reality is Realitycat02

Reality is reality. Reality is like your hands, which are yours alone. If your hands are rough, what can you do? You can not get rid of them. The same is…

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I have been rude!cat04

A monk came to Master Pu-An to test his realization. Immediately Master Pu-An hit the monk with a staff, and the monk stepped forward and grabbed it. Master said, "I have been rude!" The monk then took the staff and hit Master Pu-An instead. Master said to the monk, "You are really good, really good!" The monk then bowed to the Master and the Master stopped him. "This time you are rude." Master said. The monk laughed out-loud.…

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We Create Our Own Realitycat02

"We have self-attachment which we attach to our perceptions in mind. Whenever we encounter the reality in every single moment, based on our perceptions, we define the reality.  That…

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There is No Icat05

As a followup to the "Real I" post a couple days a go, I've been trying to figure out how to put it into practice in daily life. To understand in theory…

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Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the rivercat03

Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the river, Li Bai drank to the spirit in the Moon; Kicking over Men in front of the Huang-He Pagoda, Foot ache has remained to this very day.      

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