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What is Nirvana?cat02

The present moment is the Nirvana. Phenomena appear and disappear over and over. Ask yourself, what left?If you follow the phenomena, they are chaos. If you do not follow the phenomena, this is the Nirvana. If you follow the phenomena…

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Wisdom of Master: How to Reach the Other Shore?cat02

When we define the truth, we are losing the truth. Put down all the definition. Without any definition,we reach the other shore. In every single moment, the truth is there, but our definition pushes the truth away. It is unnecessary to put any definition. Reality is…

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Karma and Me?!cat02

Student: What does karma got to do with our life? Master: We have a saying, "Every carrot has its own hole." The hole…

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Right Understandingcat02

What is right understanding? The right understanding is the realization that when you change and elevate your mind, everything in your environment changes. You will surely move in the right…

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The Night of Autumn

A white egret flies out of autumn reeds across misty water; A swallow returns to its dry nest

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