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Change For The Better

The ancient masters said we should try to abide in impermanence. How is that possible? The answer is to keep creating a better future. Each moment is your creation, so the…

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Right Seed, Right Result

Planting the right seed is the only way to guarantee that the right fruit will be harvested. Take one step at a time as you face your true self. Do not belittle small good deeds. Intention is like a door within the mind.…

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Rely on Universal Truth, not conventional truth.cat04

The common explanation of this teaching is always with regard to the written words of the Buddha, who taught what many considered as conventional truths - concepts and practices that addressed only particular situations. The sutras, the recorded teachings of the Buddha, has therefore been categorized into those containing conventional truths and those containing universal truth that is without exception. The recommendation…

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What can you count on?cat04

When life brings challenges, what can you count on for support? Can you get relief from a good book, some sight-seeing, or visit a park? Do you need to "talk it out" or "numb it out"? Can some food or music do the trick or maybe a pill or two? Perhaps a massage too. Maybe what you need is really just one good thought - you need to think it through and make sense of it. Maybe your religion or personal philosophy of life…

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Four Star Daycat05

Encounters with certain people, for example, may tend to trigger confrontational interactions. While we can easily justify our dislike of another person, the real question worth asking is why does this person manifest in our reality in…

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