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Cover the Eyescat04

One day, a monk noticed that Zen Master Yao-shan was reading the sutra. "Master, you normally don't allow us to read sutra. Why are you reading sutra yourself?" The monk asked. "Oh, I read only to cover my eyes." "So can I do that too?" The monk asked. Master Yao-shan said to the monk: "For you, you must see through cowhides."

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Six Senses

The six senses are the karma of our human existence. The perceptions they generate are directed by our attachments; therefore, we separate our physical body and six senses from the totality of reality. Once you…

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OK if I'm Not a Buddhist?cat05

While the truth is formless like the Void, it can express its existence in any form. Therefore, truth does not have to be Christian--or specifically Catholic or Protestant--nor does it have to be Islamic or Buddhist. Truth does not have to be Theraveda, Mahayana or Vajrayana Buddhism. Truth is simply the truth, and…

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Open Mindcat02

When the purpose of your work is primarily to help people, a much greater door is opened in your reality. The capacity of your mind expands with your earnest effort to help more people. You will not only obtain material benefit but will also experience deep joy. Contrastingly, if your effort is devoted only toward yourself, the scope of your reality will be narrow If you are always focused on personal benefit, the greatest…

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Right Understanding

Nothing beyond your mind. With the right understanding and introspection, you can determine whether your thoughts and emotions are harmful. You will realize whether your approach has been in error. When the right understanding prevails throughout your life, you will gradually move toward a state of peace. And you will experience lasting happiness and joy. ¶ by Zen Master Miao Tsan

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