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When you think someone or something is annoying, the truth is that "you" make him annoying and "you" make the situation an issue and suffer in it; the "annoying" person may not have any clue what's going…

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Learn From Mistake

Face the truth within you, so you can transform your karma. Every obstacle that manifests in our life is simply a reflection of our inner stagnation. When we use our mind improperly, we create karma that leads to suffering.…

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Emptiness speaks, resounding far and widecat03

Emptiness speaks, resounding far and wide, Traceless and unseen, manifesting myriad existences; Maitreya's arising like a rootless tree, Lotus step each leading the way to Realization.    

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I was feeling sorry for myself this morning, and I opened my email, dreading what I might find. At the top of the Sisyphean list was the Wisdom of the Week. These little nuggets are sent out to people on a distribution list who have indicated that they are interested…

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Seeing the situation is seeing your mindcat01

        "Seeing the situation you are in is seeing the manifestation of your mind. No one else but yourself to blame thus take the full credit or responsibility. " This is the…

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