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Use Your Mind Well

If you think everything is good right now, it is because everything is good at this moment. Such a thought is a creation of the mind, and in fact your mind is in a good state. However, with each new moment you…

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Real Happinesscat02

Student: What is happiness that comes from within? Master:  If we have happiness comes from within, we call it "Dharma Joy".  That…

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The Gift of Lifecat04

Taking a walk in the early morning, I noticed the morning dew on the grass. Each blade of grass gets its own drops; every leaf has its time in the sun. Every plant can only be where it stands - take in what is given and grow from that, nothing else. It is ludicrous to worry about not having enough or wonder what if it is somewhere else. "This" is the gift of life - or perhaps the curse of life, the karma, the reality -…

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Live and Diecat04

This morning we took our daughter to the Los Angeles County Recorder Office to register her birth. This is what we saw at the entrance. Indeed, Life is made of births and deaths. Each piece of paper has a story of joy or sadness,…

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Inner Peace

People say we should have peace in this world, but are their minds at peace? If there is no peace in your mind, how can you create a peaceful family? Only a person who has a peaceful…

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