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When you recognize an object, would you care much about its shadow anymore? No. When you finally realize what is creating your thoughts and experiences, nothing of this world can ever bother you again.

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Use Your Mind Well

If you think everything is good right now, it is because everything is good at this moment. Such a thought is a creation of the mind, and in fact your mind is in a good state. However, with each new moment you…

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Image After Imagecat03

Move image, image moving, image after image arising, Water waves, waves on water, ripple after ripple born, Empty the mind, the mind of emptiness, Emptiness just is,…

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How can we let go?cat02

The mind is formless, but we allow it to become occupied by habitual thought patterns. So, how can we let go? I will show you. If I hold an apple in my hand but reach for…

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Keep Opening the Wrong Door?cat02

The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) has the answer for you. "Every stressful experience in our lives emerges from a mental door that we unconsciously but repeatedly open. Our habitual thinking opens mental doors -- modes of…

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