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When we are encountering troubles in life, it means that we misuse the ability of our mind. We should correct this and we should do introspection.  Ask ourselves how, why, when, and where I manifest the karma…

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Express Yourself!cat05

We're in the process of editing the Master's next book, The Origin Is Pure, in English. It's a fascinating process; every time I work on it, I learn something new about the Master's teaching--which I would expect--and the editorial process also gives me new understanding--which is like bonus enlightenment.…

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Where Is Our True Home?cat02

Where is our true home? The true home is not the physical household where you live. It's the true self within each one of us. It's the precious diamond that we all possess.…

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winter tea drinkcat01

  In the cold winter, a cup of nice herbal tea always make you feel great. This is a simple winter tea recipe which is warm, cleansing and without caffeine. Hope you will like it. Receipe: Dried Chrysanthemum: 3-5 pieces Dried jujube: 5 pieces…

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I was feeling sorry for myself this morning, and I opened my email, dreading what I might find. At the top of the Sisyphean list was the Wisdom of the Week. These little nuggets are sent out to people on a distribution list who have indicated that they are interested…

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