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Row Row Row Your Boat (zen version)cat05

Row, row, row your boat, Swiftly up the stream. Warily, warily, warily, warily, Life is just a dream.   WAKE UP!!!

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Karma is created by each thought the mind generates, If you focus on the right practice, your karma can be changed. When your body is in harmony with your surroundings, you can focus on the practice. ¶…

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Better Mind, Better Phenomenacat02

Student: Master, on a very down to the earth level, we create phenomena by decisions we make.  Is that correct?  For example, we are making a decision to…

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Koan: Fire seeking firecat04

The warden of the monastery had long been in the presence of Master Yuan Yi, yet never once asked for dharma instruction in person. One day Master Yuan Yi asked the warden, "Why don't you come for an interview?" "Abbot, you don't know?! I already found the entry point to the Way when I studied at Green Forest." "Well, then show me." "Someone asked "What is the Buddha?" Master Green Forest said, "Fire seeking fire."" "Words…

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How To Deal With Difficult Relationship?

It is necessary to open your mind in order to understand phenomena and your purpose in life. The Mind is formless, but it can manifest phenomena. A different state of mind will create different phenomena. So,…

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