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Human Physicscat04

In physics every action triggers a reaction; in human beings, every reaction strengthens the triggering action. Therefore anger never works because how matter how anger is expressed or channeled, it always brings back the undesirable. Only by dissolving the reaction at the source can you find a way out.

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The reason to let gocat02

A student asked me, "Master, how can I let go of my attachments? If I let go, what will be left?" Consider the moon and the star. They continue to light the sky as you sleep.…

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Four Reliance: Part I - Rely on the Teaching, not the Personcat04

This morning I had the idea of writing about the Four Reliance, inspired by a friend who recently broke with his spiritual group. I have seen this happened often enough that I wondered what went wrong? I guess the Buddha had foreseen the confusion that future practitioners will be facing and therefore taught the Four Reliance in order to help us all stay on the right path. The Four Reliance are: Rely on the…

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Purify Your Mind

People tend to assume that spirituality and the mundane life are separate, but this is not so. Spirituality and the mundane are of one mind. We use the same mind whether we engage in spiritual…

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Right Path to Liberationcat02

Student: What is the right way to uplift myself? Master: First, set the right goal.  Second, you need motivation.…

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