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How can we let go?cat02

The mind is formless, but we allow it to become occupied by habitual thought patterns. So, how can we let go? I will show you. If I hold an apple in my hand but reach for…

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A Zen Recipe for Holiday Peace, 'Tis the Sea-ZENcat02

Cheryl Alexander, Change Magazine Editor, speaks to Master Miao Tsan on November 8, on what Zen means for the holidays. Very interesting topic. Please click on the link,…

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New Year Resolution -- Build up Merit and Wisdomcat02

New year, new goal, and new action. What do you plan to work on or achieve this year? Healthier, happier, more money, or peaceful life? You name it. Secret ingredients to achieve any of the goals are merit and wisdom. Why so? Please see below from Master Miao…

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Significance of 108: The Meaning of a Mala

A mala, a string of prayer or mantra-counting beads, tangibly expresses our desire to align with the principles of peace, love and oneness. Whether we use it as originally intended by various world cultures,…

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The duality of the observer and the observed is an illusion, because both arise from the Mind. What we see in the world depends on how we see the world. What is good in our lives and what is bad are therefore equally our…

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