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Inner Peace

People say we should have peace in this world, but are their minds at peace? If there is no peace in your mind, how can you create a peaceful family? Only a person who has a peaceful…

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Positive Relationshipcat02

Student: Should we have all the relationship around us be…

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Karma is created by each thought the mind generates, If you focus on the right practice, your karma can be changed. When your body is in harmony with your surroundings, you can focus on the practice. ¶…

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Right Path to Liberationcat02

Student: What is the right way to uplift myself? Master: First, set the right goal.  Second, you need motivation.…

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Forever Youngcat01

Like many Americans of my generation, I always thought growing old was something other, more uptight, people did. I'm young at heart, and while I've collected more knowledge and have gained more respect for wisdom over the years, my world-view remains basically as optimistic and energetic as when…

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