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Express Yourself!cat05

We're in the process of editing the Master's next book, The Origin Is Pure, in English. It's a fascinating process; every time I work on it, I learn something new about the Master's teaching--which I would expect--and the editorial process also gives me new understanding--which is like bonus enlightenment.…

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Merit and the Mindcat02

Student:  Does cleaning Buddha statues create more merit then sweeping the floor? Master: Dharma is everything; everything is dharma. It…

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Holding up a flower, the Buddha's scriptures are not usedcat03

Holding up a flower, the Buddha's scriptures are not used, Facing the wall of the Mind, all future births cease forever; Where can the descendant of the Patriarchs be found? Seeing through the Void, the Moon is thus Luminous.…

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Become Better or Worse, Your Choicecat02

Our thoughts change constantly. Our physical body changes constantly. The entire world changes constantly. This is all part of what we call impermanence. And impermanence…

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Purify Your Mind

People tend to assume that spirituality and the mundane life are separate, but this is not so. Spirituality and the mundane are of one mind. We use the same mind whether we engage in spiritual…

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