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A Zen Recipe for Holiday Peace, 'Tis the Sea-ZENcat02

Cheryl Alexander, Change Magazine Editor, speaks to Master Miao Tsan on November 8, on what Zen means for the holidays. Very interesting topic. Please click on the link,…

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The True Elephantcat03

Blind touching the elephant, nothing like the elephant, Image in the broken mirror, no longer true; Speculating, wondering, running in circles, Turn around…

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Slow Down...cat02

Student:  How to get started,  in order to change my habitual thinking patterns? Master: Reconstruct.  The thinking…

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Change For The Better

The ancient masters said we should try to abide in impermanence. How is that possible? The answer is to keep creating a better future. Each moment is your creation, so the…

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Believe Nothingcat04

The Buddha once said: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your…

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