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I was sick last week, very sick. At that time I do have the chance really spend some quality time with Master Miao Tsan's book. When I read " Physical body is the reflection…

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Merit and the Mindcat02

Student:  Does cleaning Buddha statues create more merit then sweeping the floor? Master: Dharma is everything; everything is dharma. It…

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Set Yourself Freecat02

Who or what ties you down? Only your attachments do. No one else forces you to feel the way you have. Only your habitual thought pattern does. We present ourselves through our habitual thought patterns. The thoughts and actions of all our moments arise from those habitual thought patterns. So, in order to be free you must get rid of your prejudicial, fixed thought patterns. ~ by Zen Master Miao Tsan

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When you recognize an object, would you care much about its shadow anymore? No. When you finally realize what is creating your thoughts and experiences, nothing of this world can ever bother you again.

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Face the Reality

If someone spills juice on you, how will you handle it? If it is dirty, you only have to clean it. Nothing could be simpler. Most people react emotionally, but it is more important to face the root…

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