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Meet Larry Paynecat05

When you pick up a book, it seems to have a power that goes beyond the passivity of ink on paper. It emanates energy, beckoning you to read, promising entertainment, education or enlightenment. Much like a prayer shawl that holds the intention of the creator, a…

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True Introspection

You should be aware of what you feed your mind, as it is your responsibility. Through introspection, you will realize that what you have already fed your mind. True introspection will guide your mind to…

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Zhao-Zhou's Practicecat04

Someone asked Elder Zhao-Zhou (Joshu) how he practiced, and he said "For thirty years my mind remains undistracted, except perhaps when eating and putting on robes. Most people dwell on what they know, I alone remain in the not-knowing." I find the idea of being un-distracted really intriguing. Some distractions are obvious, we become fidgety and chatty in social situations. Less…

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Gifts from the Eastcat05

Open your mind completely to the present  moment. The past is no longer the reality, but the reality is instead this present moment. Only the manifestation…

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Change For The Better

The ancient masters said we should try to abide in impermanence. How is that possible? The answer is to keep creating a better future. Each moment is your creation, so the…

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