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I was feeling sorry for myself this morning, and I opened my email, dreading what I might find. At the top of the Sisyphean list was the Wisdom of the Week. These little nuggets are sent out to people on a distribution list who have indicated that they are interested…

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Flexible Mind

The mind frame of a child is not yet mature, so we must nurture it and guide it. In the grand universe, we humans are still children, needing to find our way. We should not cling too tightly to what we believe. The…

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Positive Relationshipcat02

Student: Should we have all the relationship around us be…

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Make Moment Better

You must realize that the mind has the ability to create both positive and negative phenomena. If you create positive thoughts, you will have health and wealth. However, if your mind turns toward negativity, you will face even more obstacles. It is a fact that life works this way, Therefore, guide your mind toward calmness and put an end to negativity.

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Must see, 18 Arhat Arrived in Monasterycat02

18 Arhat statues from China are arrived in theVairocana Zen Monastery. Some of them are in the Zen garden. Some are around the Monastery. Their facial expression and posture make them like real. It's just incredible. Pictures can be viewed from the link,

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