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Image After Imagecat03

Move image, image moving, image after image arising, Water waves, waves on water, ripple after ripple born, Empty the mind, the mind of emptiness, Emptiness just is,…

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The Intangiblecat04

One day a Zen master asked a junior monk, "Can you grasp the intangible?" Monk replied, "Yes." "How?" The junior monk then waved his hands in the air with a grasping gesture. The Master told him,"You don't know how." Monk asked, "Well, how do you do it then?" The Zen master grasped the monk's nose and squeeze it hard. In pain the monk cried out, "Let it go, that hurts!" Master said, "That's how you grasp the intangible."

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Real Practicecat02

Student: Master, how to apply "nothing beyond the mind" in our daily life? Master: When we see something, we see the function…

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Reality is Realitycat02

Reality is reality. Reality is like your hands, which are yours alone. If your hands are rough, what can you do? You can not get rid of them. The same is…

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Merit and the Mindcat02

Student:  Does cleaning Buddha statues create more merit then sweeping the floor? Master: Dharma is everything; everything is dharma. It…

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