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A Cup of Teacat05

My mother always told me a watched pot never boils. She said I would always find what I was looking for in the last place I looked. I wanted to understand what she meant, but the truth of her statements eluded me. Of course the pot would boil. Of course I…

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What is Nirvana?cat02

The present moment is the Nirvana. Phenomena appear and disappear over and over. Ask yourself, what left?If you follow the phenomena, they are chaos. If you do not follow the phenomena, this is the Nirvana. If you follow the phenomena…

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How Does the Mind Work?cat02

Student: How does the mind work? Master: Every single person possesses a formless mind.  In our formless mind, we have a system or pattern…

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Are you free?cat04

Stop what you are doing now. Do not find substitute; do not plan to do it later. Don't let anything occupy your mind now. Are you free?

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Live and Diecat04

This morning we took our daughter to the Los Angeles County Recorder Office to register her birth. This is what we saw at the entrance. Indeed, Life is made of births and deaths. Each piece of paper has a story of joy or sadness,…

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