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True Liberationcat02

True liberation occurs from within.  It is intrinsic to you. It is already in your mind. Your mind has no form, but in your mind you can find true liberation. Some might believe it is necessary to go to a distant mountain or other place for the sake of liberation. However, it has nothing to do with a place outside of us. Remember that the journey – the quest – is toward liberation from our attachments. ~…

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When you look at a flower, you may think it is either pretty or ugly, but the flower remains the flower. The reality of the flower is not affected by your perception and judgment. When you close your eyes, the…

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Ho Ho Ho, Just Use This Mindcat02

While we approach the end of 2010, many thanks to you all who visit the site/blog and/or provide valuable comments/suggestions. We value and enjoy your visits. Please join us again the coming new year. We would like to share a Zen story taught…

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Set Your Directioncat02

We create our own reality. Your reality is the world you mind has created. Every person possesses a mind. The Mind is formless but can generate…

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Inner Transformations

Growth is always accompanied by at least a little pain. Reality is often very simple, but our mind tends to complicate it. Focus mainly on inner transformations because they invariably…

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