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The Light of Innate Nature, rarely recognized in lifecat03

The Light of Innate Nature, rarely recognized in life, Pervades all the corners of the Ocean and the edges of Heaven; It has fallen to the fetters of scattered phenomena, Have compassion for the unconsciously imprisoned.    

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Liberation and Youcat02

Student: Master, what is liberation? Does it apply to everyone? Master: When you can liberate yourself from your angry thoughts, this is…

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Hobby vs Practicecat02

Student: Should I put down my hobby once I become a Zen practitioner? Master: People think they need to put down their hobbies, attachments,…

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Ho Ho Ho, Just Use This Mindcat02

While we approach the end of 2010, many thanks to you all who visit the site/blog and/or provide valuable comments/suggestions. We value and enjoy your visits. Please join us again the coming new year. We would like to share a Zen story taught…

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How Fine To Sit on the Golden Purple Lotuscat04

"The famed poet Su Dong Po, of the Sung dynasty, composed the following verse to express his attainment: 'Prostrate to the heaven among the heavens, light of a single hair strand illuminates the universe. Imperturbable by the worldly winds, seated firmly upon the golden purple lotus.'…

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