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Where Is Our True Home?cat02

Where is our true home? The true home is not the physical household where you live. It's the true self within each one of us. It's the precious diamond that we all possess.…

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Become Better or Worse, Your Choicecat02

Our thoughts change constantly. Our physical body changes constantly. The entire world changes constantly. This is all part of what we call impermanence. And impermanence…

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Mind the Body, Mind the Mindcat04

Feel your body right now and notice any tension that is present. Now try to become conscious of how your mind creates that tension in the body. This is the practice of the Mind teaching of Zen because without the mind, the body won't be alive; without the mind, the body will not have tension nor comfort. If reality is our creation, then this body is certainly a Mind-made reality. If we cannot realize the inseparable nature…

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Ho Ho Ho, Just Use This Mindcat02

While we approach the end of 2010, many thanks to you all who visit the site/blog and/or provide valuable comments/suggestions. We value and enjoy your visits. Please join us again the coming new year. We would like to share a Zen story taught…

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Karma is created by each thought the mind generates, If you focus on the right practice, your karma can be changed. When your body is in harmony with your surroundings, you can focus on the practice. ¶…

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