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Right Understandingcat02

What is right understanding? The right understanding is the realization that when you change and elevate your mind, everything in your environment changes. You will surely move in the right…

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Why do we generate so many emotions? The reality is simple, but emotions are complex. If we maintain calmness of mind, we will more clearly see what should be done. Then we can move in the right direction. ¶…

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How To Manifest A Better Reality

The human mind is always plagued by greed, anger and ignorance. This is because it has not been cleansed of habitual patterns. If your mind is not pure, how can your energy be pure? It cannot! Remember that a pure…

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When you look at a flower, you may think it is either pretty or ugly, but the flower remains the flower. The reality of the flower is not affected by your perception and judgment. When you close your eyes, the…

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Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the rivercat03

Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the river, Li Bai drank to the spirit in the Moon; Kicking over Men in front of the Huang-He Pagoda, Foot ache has remained to this very day.      

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