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When you look at a flower, you may think it is either pretty or ugly, but the flower remains the flower. The reality of the flower is not affected by your perception and judgment. When you close your eyes, the…

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The Night of Autumn

A white egret flies out of autumn reeds across misty water; A swallow returns to its dry nest

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Pure Mind

If you focus your cultivation on the mind, you can eventually find peace. A peaceful mind will bring forth a better reality. If you have peace, you will know how to make better decisions. You will enjoy better…

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Habitual Patterns

As our human minds continuously and unconsciously give rise to mind functioning, certain patterns emerge. These patterns channel our thinking in a particular, fixed direction. Every stressful experience…

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Going Around In Circles Forevercat05

  Does it sometimes feel as if you are just caught up in the same routine, endlessly repeating the same mundane actions over and over? Seeing the same sights? Doing the same things? Eating the same foods? Surrounded by the same…

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