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Moon In Watercat02

Student: Master, you say about the moon in the water.  So the mind is the moon or water? Master: The mind is the full moon in the sky. …

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True Selfcat02

Your true self is the Mind, which is formless. Your true self exists behind your physical form. It exists behind your personality and ideas. It exists everywhere and can manifest all energy forms.…

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The Key To Learning

As our human minds continuously and unconsciously give rise to mind functioning, certain patterns emerge. These patterns channel our thinking in a particular, fixed direction. Every stressful experience in our lives emerges…

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Gate Keepercat04

Every difficult situation always leads you to a single thought that you cannot go beyond. "I can't do this." "There is not enough time." "He is so controlling." "I have to ....." " I can't..... " "I should..... shouldn't......" "It's impossible to ...." "I don't care....." "Why can't he understand?" "People are just lazy.".... Whatever the thought is, it is like a gate keeper. No matter what you try, you will always come…

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