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When you are feeling down, it is your magnificent true Self that accepts the mood, just like a wealthy person temporarily feeling poor. We are free by nature but we choose to accept thoughts that limit us. In this moment, you are limiting yourself in certain ways through some ideas that you hold near and dear to your heart. You forget that there is a different choice. Let us practice remembering this fact again and again…

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No More Fightingcat05

Master gave an intriguing lecture today, which I will try to summarize. We are always getting into never-ending fights with the people close to us, because we keep trying to defend ourselves or fight…

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What is Zen?cat02

  Student: Master, What is Zen? Master: Do you know where the wind comes from? If you know that means you are awakened. If you do not know,  try the south…

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Immortal Naturecat03

Not die to the life self, then the immortal nature cannot come alive; Not quite alive to the immortal, then one has not quite died to the lifeless; To live with what is alive and to die to what is dead is only half correct, To die to…

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Inner Transformations

Growth is always accompanied by at least a little pain. Reality is often very simple, but our mind tends to complicate it. Focus mainly on inner transformations because they invariably…

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