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Are you free?cat04

Stop what you are doing now. Do not find substitute; do not plan to do it later. Don't let anything occupy your mind now. Are you free?

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Rely on Universal Truth, not conventional truth.cat04

The common explanation of this teaching is always with regard to the written words of the Buddha, who taught what many considered as conventional truths - concepts and practices that addressed only particular situations. The sutras, the recorded teachings of the Buddha, has therefore been categorized into those containing conventional truths and those containing universal truth that is without exception. The recommendation…

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Our True Self-Worthcat04

Once I was told that my 401K can be down as much as 30% and I should do a re-allocation. As I stare at the numbers on my most recent statement, it seems all the numbers are quite arbitrary. As far as I know, my 401K down by 30% has not affected my life at all - at least in this moment. The only impact it had on me is creating some questions and concerns in my mind. So who decides the worth of my retirement account anyways?…

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Student: Why there is no outside? Master: Nothing is beyond the mind. Energy cannot be separated or divided. Phenomena are together…

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The Intangiblecat04

One day a Zen master asked a junior monk, "Can you grasp the intangible?" Monk replied, "Yes." "How?" The junior monk then waved his hands in the air with a grasping gesture. The Master told him,"You don't know how." Monk asked, "Well, how do you do it then?" The Zen master grasped the monk's nose and squeeze it hard. In pain the monk cried out, "Let it go, that hurts!" Master said, "That's how you grasp the intangible."

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